Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hello again!

Today on the Learning 2.0 i learnt about 'Flickr', this website that shows everyone photos. I think the flickr website is interesting to play aroung with, n i found some pretty cool photo's, but personally i dont think i would use it myself, i feel uncomfortable with the idea of putting my own personal photos on the internet, even if it was on private.
But hey that just me, n like i said its fun to play aroung with, theirs some really nice photos on there, really artistic.

I found this really funny photo on there;
thats the link if u want to see it, its a combination of two of my passions, Star Wars and Japan. I think every school should have japanese uniforms, there soooo cool. I would go to school there just to be able to wear one, apose to my slightly boring shorts and polar shirt.

Does anyone know if the Darth Vader in this photo is real or is it just a statue? It would be extremely random if it was.

K folks i gotta shelve some more books, cya later!

P.S. As u have probably noticed i am not a very good speller, so forgive the mistakes!


Pie said...

I think its someone dressed up as him, freaking out all the little girls and boys =P

Uncle Arthur said...

hehe, thats hilarious, i'd do that.

Pie said...

Yea, sure you will.
You don't need to dress up to scary anyone


bahaha, but that is random, and they are taking a photo of him too.